Tuesday, July 12, 2016


First pre-op appointment has been set for this Friday. At this visit, they will simply do a bone density scan. This will be key so they know what is "normal" for me so they can check progress after surgery.  I’m not 100% sure and will have to double check, but thinking my doctor down in Mayo said a bone density scan would need to be done yearly to monitor where I am at.

Second pre-op appointment has been set for August 5th.  At this appointment, we will gather baseline data.  The plan is to check my chemistry panel, get a complete blood count, check iron levels, vitamin B-12 levels, and vitamin D levels.  Again, this will all be beneficial for AFTER surgery to know where my “normal” falls and if I need extra supplements to help get these areas back to normal level.

Last appointment scheduled is for AFTER surgery.  This is to be about 4-5 weeks after surgery and will be for a lesson in administering my own B-12 shots.  My doctor’s office has been wonderful and, of course, said they could give me my monthly B-12 shots if I would like, but I think it would just be easier for me to attempt to give them myself.  It doesn’t seem hard, but I want to be sure I’m doing it correctly. 

Other than that, I think I’m good on appointments for a while!!

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