Saturday, August 20, 2016


This incision is the only reason I'm still taking pain meds. It's right under my left breast and near my lung. They say that incision is always the worst and I agree!!!!!

 It really is crazy to me that I have NO stitches OR staples, yet they removed my whole stomach!!!!!


  1. I feel envious of you having such a small scar. Hard to believe that they can get your stomach out from such a small incision. Happy for you and your continued improvement.

    1. I, LITERALLY, am in AWE at this WHOLE process! AMAZED!!! I HAD to know if they cut the stomach up to pull it out of that small of an incision. NOPE! Dr. Kendrick said once you cut the stomach loose, it shrinks up quite a bit. Our bodies do AMAZING things. I just cannot believe it!!! I have another one underneath the one in the picture that is starting to get and look very bruised, too. I'm kind of thinking of going to my primary dr this week just to make sure all my incisions look ok!!
