Monday, September 19, 2016


Hi-Ho-Hi-Ho it's off to work I go!!! Hoping for a good day filled with lots of energy. I packed a ton of snacks, so hoping the day goes good !!!

Also, had my B-12 shot on Friday. I don't notice a whole lot of energy, yet, but I'm not terribly weak, either. Not doing anything extra for energy at this point. My doctor said everything is still new and adjusting. She said to give my body another month or two to see how it reacts. If it still seems as if I start getting more tired... towards B-12 shot time, we will talk about my options and probably run blood work to make sure it's the B-12 and not something else.

Still waiting on Aflac...they contacted my doctors office and my doctors office said they didn't. (flash back to me getting back onto Sean's insurance policy) Then, Saturday I got a letter in the mail requesting all the same papers already filled out, be filled out AGAIN with one extra form. I'm calling them today, AGAIN. So much for "we pay in as little as 4 days." Ya right!

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