Saturday, November 12, 2016


So, I decided to binge and read Mr. Robert Yale's entire blog in one night. This would be the gentleman the Kidd Kraddick Morning Show granted the Christmas wish for the other day. Reading his blog made me incredibly sad, yet SO thankful given the options I had and chose. Here are some quotes from his blog that really moved me!!!

"Long-term dreams of seeing your young children grow up, of cherishing your beautiful wife into old age, of nurturing decades-old friendships, of achieving professional success and advancement, all of those evaporate. Instead, your priorities and dreams and goals become very near-term: what can I do today to show my children how much I love them? What can I do today to love my wife well? How can I reach out to a friend and encourage them today? What can I teach my students about life through this experience?"

"It has been tough to face the reality that the rest of my life will likely consist of chemo treatment after chemo treatment until the available treatments run out or stop working and the cancer kills me."

"We are not responsible for the length of our life, only its depth."

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