Monday, January 9, 2017


How do you drink your soda/pop/coke (all depending on where you live)??  Here in North Dakota, we call it POP! 

My husband would lose it if he had to drink FLAT pop, but for me....2 days of sitting on the counter with no top on is how I like to drink my pop, now. 

 I don't have pop very often especially from a bottle or can as they seem to have much more carbonation than fountain pop, but when I DO want one, I like to leave it out.  If I drink pop with a lot of carbonation, it bubbles and gurgles and makes me feel bloated.  So, it might be a little gross this way WITH a stomach, but WITHOUT a stomach this is just the way I like it!!!!   Also, diet seems to be better than regular as regular pop has more than 20g of sugar/can or bottle.

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