Monday, February 20, 2017



I haven't talked a whole lot on the chances of others in my family having/getting this CDH-1 mutation, but now is the time to so.

Because I tested positive for the CDH-1 mutation, I know I got it from my mom who most likely got it from her dad. Because of this, we know my mom's siblings have a 50% chance of this genetic mutation, also. If any of them test positive, their children will have a 50% chance of the mutation- just like my little Miss Paige has a 50% chance of this mutation because of how it gets passed down. If anyone ever tests negative for the mutation, then they and their kids, grandkids, etc are in the clear. It never skips a generation.

With that being said, my Aunt Vera (my mom's sister) had the genetic testing done back in May. It came back that she tested positive for the CDH-1 mutation. It's taken a lot of processing, weighing options, research, and meeting with doctors, but she came to the brave decision of choosing to have her stomach removed, also. She knows this isn't an easy option, but she feels it's the right one so that she can be around for her family.

This Wednesday, my Aunt will undergo a total gastrectomy done by the AMAZING Dr. Kendrick at Mayo Clinic-St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, MN. I'm asking for some big-huge thoughts, prayers, good ju-ju, or anything else you can send her way before, during, and after this procedure!!!

She's tougher than she thinks she is and has some great support. She, also, has the same amazing team I did at Mayo, so I know she's in the best hands!!! However, extra thoughts sent her way would mean the world to me!!!


  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your aunt that all will be well as she has also made this tremendous decision of stomach removal. Best regards to her from an Australian.
