Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Sorry I haven't written in awhile!!!  We were staying at a campground with limited WiFi until our house was done being built.  We moved in last week and are finally starting to get settled, so hopefully I will be able to write a little more!!

A couple months ago, I was having the issue of being awoken during the night to what seemed like food sitting in my throat almost.  It wouldn't choke me or cause me to not breathe, but it was annoying and I couldn't go back to sleep until it settled.  I had read about trying to drink soda or try eating something acidic to get the pH levels to balance out.  These things were not helping.  I would have to sit STRAIGHT UP for at least 2 hours for that feeling to go away. 

I, finally, called my doctor down at Mayo.  She said that this is NOT uncommon for TG patients.  You don't have a the flap on your stomach that keeps your food in anymore, so essentially, the food is creeping back up my new tubing.  My doctor gave me a prescription for Carafate and Cholestyramine.  Carafate is a liquid you have to shake like crazy in the bottle and can take before bed or when awoken.  The Cholestyramine is a powder you add to water and drink before bed or when awoken.  Neither of these will totally get rid of that happening, but will help to avoid it.  She said to start with the Carafate and see if that helps.  If not, take the Cholestyramine.  She, also, suggested trying to eat 80-60-20 throughout the day.  So, the majority of my food would be in the morning, a little less through the afternoon, and even less at night.  She really pushed NO eating or drinking 2 hours before bed.  I will say that the way my day goes with eating, I probably do the opposite 20-60-80, but I have been REALLY watching my eating before bed and try to have my last snack 2 hours before going to bed.  This seems to have REALLY helped!!  Also, staying propped at night and making sure my head doesn't lay even with my gut helps.  I have only woken up 2 nights from this since given my new scripts.  The Carafate has done the trick (thank goodness) those two times and doesn't taste too bad at all.  The Cholestyramine LOOKS terrible, so I'm hoping I never have to take that!!!  HA!

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