Thursday, December 1, 2016


A little over a year ago I reached out to one of our local news stations about my little journey.  Of course, at that time I was on the other side of surgery...preparing for it, scaring myself silly, and not really knowing exactly how it was going to go for me.  I decided to reach out to the reporter who did my story then to see if he wanted to do a follow-up.  He agreed and below is the link to watch my story. You can feel free to watch my story AND/OR read the article.

Of course, during the interview I was so level-headed.  I knew exactly what I wanted to say and it went so good.  When I saw the report/video all put together, it put the feelers back out there for me and made me cry.  Things like this remind me EXACTLY why I decided the way I did!


  1. Hi Heather, I just watched your video and how lovely it was with little Paige and the Xmas tree in the background. May your life be long and happy - really who needs a stomach!!!! I can now after 3 years have a cup of tea or coffee with biscuits dunked in them or even a small piece of cake, without any problems, so as time goes by you get to eat a lot more and have a little liquid and food together. You both look so pretty.

    1. Thanks Julie!!! You are so sweet! I appreciate you rooting me on through this journey! I agree...who needs a stomach, anyway! :)
