Friday, May 19, 2017


Besides having an 83% chance of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer with this CDH-1 mutation, it also gives me a 42% chance of lobular breast cancer. I haven't decided if I'll go ahead with a prophylactic double mastectomy or not, yet. So, in the mean time, I do mammograms and breast MRI's every 6 months (alternating) as a preventative measure.

This morning at 7am, I'll have my 2nd MRI. Unlike other MRI's, this one you lay face down with your breasts hanging into a box and feet go in the tube first. It's stressful to try and not move for 45 minutes as even the slightest deeper sigh will make you add on an extra few minutes to your scan since breasts move with the slightest of movement just hanging there inside a box. And, of course, when they tell you to just relax and not think about it, you do the opposite!! I'm a little nervous this go around just because some of my incisions from my total gastrectomy are still tender and I'm not sure how laying abdomen down on a hard box is going to feel. I guess we will see....;)

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