Saturday, August 13, 2016


This 1.5 inch angel just got packed.

She was my dad's and he had her with him in his pocket and everywhere he went and sat on his hospital stand when he was sick and passed away. I remember talking to him on the phone and he told me wanted me to have it. His friend had it waiting for me when we arrived in Texas for his funeral.

I carried this angel with me everywhere, too, and she was in my purse..always with me. One day, I picked Courtney up from daycare and my purse was stolen out of my car while I was inside getting her for no more than 10 minutes. I was DEVASTATED! I didn't care about the cash I had or the cards I had, all I wanted was my angel back! About a week later, I got a call from the Fargo police department saying there was a business near my sister's daycare and they had found my purse in their dumpster. I was able to pick up my purse at the police department. I was in COMPLETE shock to see that angel still in there. Pretty much everything else was wallet was there with nothing in it, but my license and a few pens and receipts.

She usually sits in a dish in my kitchen because I would be devastated if anything happened to her, again, BUT...this little angel HAS to be good luck and I'm all about any form of it especially going into this big surgery. She will be along for the ride, too!

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