Wednesday, August 17, 2016


On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling? Haven't heard that a million times already! Ha! Currently, I'm sitting at a 2. Last night it was an 8 and this morning anywhere from 6-8. Walking hurts, but is good at the same time as long as I hold my big bloated belly. Coughing, also, hurts like something fierce. BUT...with each obstacle, healing is going on and that's nice.

I was relieved to hear the surgery was laparoscopic and not because of the difference in scars as nobody ever sees my belly, but rather less hospital time and I can get back to my new life quicker. :) Besides the pain, the only downfall is that I couldn't get a single room and Sean refuses to leave me, so he's been sleeping in the waiting room.

I'm not sure, yet, when I will get released due to me feeling very nauseous and having quite a bit of pain when Dr. Kendrick stopped by today. He said he will swing over tomorrow and go from there! Also, the nutritionist stopped in today to say HI and will come back tomorrow with more info.

So far, I'm allowed clear fluids and have had quite a bit of water, a popsicle, and 2 cups of jello. It sounds like this is what I'll be on for the next 1-2 weeks, then can move to soft food. I got my first B-12 shot today and 3 shots to prevent blood clots.

So....that's what I know. All went well and although last night, I was asking myself why I put my self through this because of the pain, I had to put my brain and heart back in check today as I know EXACTLY why I chose this route. I'm getting really sleepy, again, so going to rest, but wanted to give an update!!

Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers, etc. yesterday...I know they helped and please keep them coming through recovery!! ❤


  1. Let me be the first to officially welcome you to team stomachless! Glad to hear you are up and moving. The first night was the toughest for sure.

    1. THANKS ROGER!!!! Yes, those first 2 nights were pretty rough. If they would have just let me lay in bed, I would have been fine, but rolling to your side and getting up...goodness gracious...AWFUL!!!! Glad I'm sleeping upright now!

  2. The first couple of weeks is always the hardest after any operation but you are the bravest and healing each day makes for a good and long life. Good on you Heather for taking a step that I am not sure I could ever have done. Enjoy the jello!!!!!!

    1. I'm surprised how well I'm doing at this point! Tomorrow is ONE WEEK and I feel like I'm doing better than I should??? But that's good. I am SOOOOO over jello haha and probably won't EVER eat it, AGAIN! lol

  3. I am not sure if this will help you or not for when you get out of hospital but I was told to sleep on my left side as much as possible and if I felt nauseous to sip peppermint tea. This did help me a lot and I still sleep on my left side as much as possible but I don't need to drink the peppermint tea anymore as I never feel nauseous.

    1. My REALLY sore incision is under my left breast, so I'm trying to avoid that side at all costs. I really haven't been too nauseous since day 2, I would say. THANK GOODNESS! The times I have gotten nauseous, I have needed to use the restroom and then have been fine. It's very weird! I'll keep the peppermint tea in mind and add it to my grocery list as that's a GREAT idea! THANKS Julie!! :)
