Sunday, August 21, 2016


What a GREAT night last night!!! Kept up on my meds instead of "waiting to see how I would feel," slept upright in the recliner for most of the night until my tailbone started to hurt and got up easily with little pain, then moved to the bed and slept almost upright which made it much easier to get up.

But....the BEST PART OF THE WHOLE NIGHT......I POOPED!!!!!!! First time since surgery! I know it's gross, but this is SO good in the gastrectomy world as it means all my parts are working together!!! I just want to shout from the rough top, "EVERYONE- I POOPED, I POOPED, I POOPED!!!" This makes me so happy!

Now, we are outta here and on our way back to Biz. Hope the trip goes smoothly!


  1. Heather. There is a pillow called the Wedge. Get on they are a godsend. It helps keep you head elevated at night. Glad things are going well.

    1. I'm definitely going to have to look into that! I've been piling pillows up and then cramming a pillow between my shoulder and cheek and even Sean tells me how uncomfortable I look. haha! I guess that kind of comfort being not so comfy seems better than waking up and sitting up, then standing up, and being in pain. The things we do for a little comfort!

  2. Your story bought back many memories for me and I remember some nurses standing around looking into my toilet, and then when the specialist came around my husband had to describe to him what I had done!!!! Yes it was a great feeling and congrats. well done.

    1. It felt like SUCH an accomplishment! I was SO nervous about it, but once done, I was SO excited! haha It's the little things right now!!!
