Tuesday, August 16, 2016



And I totally got this!!! However, I cried myself to sleep and woke up about every two hours. Thankful I will be put to sleep for most of the day otherwise I would be non-functioning. I look forward to waking up and hearing that all went well with my LAPAROSCOPIC surgery or else...;)

I'm thankful for so many friends and family in my life who have my back and for the HUGE amount of support. I'd be an even hotter mess than I am currently without it. The thoughts, prayers, good vibes, etc mean more than you know and please keep them coming for myself, Dr. Kendrick and his team, and for all of you! I'm sad I have so many angels that are not here on earth, but rather watching over me....but grateful for them at the same time. If it weren't for two of them, I wouldn't even be here knowing what I know with the option of being preventative. I am a very lucky girl.

I got this! I'll write soon! XOXOXO

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