Saturday, August 20, 2016


Got out of the hospital about 3pm yesterday and ran to Wal-Mart (Sean pushed me in a wheel chair) to get the vitamins and supplements I'm supposed to start on as well as some jello, popsicles, juice, water, and food for Sean. We, also, stopped at the pharmacy right before we left St. Mary's for the prescriptions I'm on. I was thankful there was a wheel chair available at Wal-Mart or I wouldn't have made it from one side of the store to the other. We are now resting and walking here and there in the motel room until Sunday to make sure we can do this on our own. St. Mary's is literally right across the street, so if something doesn't seem right, we can cruise right over.

It seems like my nights are a little rough due to laying all the way down and then having to get up to use the restroom. Sitting to standing is nothing, but that laying to sitting to standing kicks my butt!!

Sean just got back from another Wal-Mart run. I packed yoga pants, but they hit one of my incisions. So, I had Sean pick me up long t-shirt pajamas. What a world of a difference that makes. Also, he grabbed a heating pad. Heating pad+no stomach/incisions=heaven!!!! So so good. :)

Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers!!!

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